
Are you looking for an attractive employment that suits you? Our qualified personnel consultants will gladly help you to reach your destination quickly, effectively and above all free of charge.
Staff leasing

For your company, the temporary work tool allows a high degree of flexibility to react flexibly to production and load peaks.

We as on-site managers coordinate the use of temporary workers in the customer’s company. Depending on the range of services we undertake the recruitment, supervision, induction, administrative tasks and services for process optimization.

Specialists become rarer in Germany. However, recruiting abroad is very time-consuming and the sustainable integration of skilled workers in Germany is often tedious. Therefore we take over this process for you.

We The Baltic Personal take over your company tasks and become your external or internal service provider.
Our Team
We are a motivated team with years of experience in human resources. Our strength is good communication. We are committed to delivering the highest level of service. The global scarcity of resources not only affects fossil fuels, but also qualified personnel is becoming increasingly scarce. At the same time, employees are a decisive factor in the success of a company. The entire HR department is therefore part of the strategic management. Choose only the best partner.